CALNARPM Riding the Wave 2025 Conference

Become a Sponsor Benefit from Networking with the Top Local Property Management Entrepreneurs.

2025 Sponsor Opportunities

  • CALNARPM Affiliate Membership for one (1) year.
  • Premier booth real estate location which includes: 1 6’ x 30” tables, tablecloth and two (2) chairs.
  • Admission, conference meals, and badges included for two (2) company representatives. Cost for each additional attendees is $450.
  • Two (2) Tickets to the Exclusive Event “Presidential Party” held for Conference Partners, Gold Sponsors, Silver Sponsors and ALL ATTENDEES.
  • Booth setup at the Presidential Party with the opportunity to host a wine tasting, etc. Only available for Conference Sponsor and Conference Partners.
  • Five minutes to speak to conference attendees at the Opening Session.
  • 7-10 minute interview from stage in front of all attendees with a CAL NARPM representative to help market your services while providing the most value.
  • 3 emails, provided by you, about your company will go out to all expected attendees and prospects One (1) Before Event and Two (2) Post Event. Content must be provided in a word document and images provided.
  • 10 Social media posts about your company on CALNARPM Social Media.  Five (5) Before Event & Five (5) After Event. You will be required to provide information & graphics you would like shared on Facebook and Instagram. Images must be 1080 x 1080 square and the post content provided in a word document.
  • Company attendee contact list of attendees who have given permission to be contacted IMMEDIATELY following the conference. 
  • Company logo featured on CALNARPM website (large size) Logo must be provided in high res format.
  • Company logo featured in CALNARPM conference emails (large size). Logo must be provided in high res format.
  • Company logo to be featured on the main podium. Logo must be emailed along with the company registration form.
  • Sponsorship recognition from the podium at the Opening Session and Closing Session.
  • CALNARPM Affiliate Membership for one (1) year.
  • Premier booth real estate location which includes: 1 6’ x 30” tables, tablecloth and two (2) chairs.
  • Admission, conference meals, and badges included for one (1) company representatives. Cost for each additional attendees is $450
  • Two (2) Tickets to the Exclusive Event “Presidential Party” held for Conference Partners, Gold Sponsors, Silver Sponsors and ALL ATTENDEES.
  • Booth setup at the Presidential Party with the opportunity to host a wine tasting, etc. Only available for Conference Sponsor and Conference Partners.
  • 5-7 minute interview from stage in front of all attendees with a CAL NARPM representative to help market your services while providing the most value.
  • 2 emails, provided by you, about your company will go out to all expected attendees and prospects. One (1) Before Event and One (1) Post Event. Content must be provided in a word document and images provided.
  • 8 Social media posts about your company on CALNARPM Social Media. Four (4) Before Event & Four (4) After Event. You will be required to provide information & graphics you would like shared on Facebook and Instagram. Images must be 1080 x 1080 square and the post content provided in a word document.
  • Company attendee contact list of attendees who have given permission to be contacted IMMEDIATELY following the conference. 
  • Company logo featured on CALNARPM website (large size) Logo must be provided in high res format.
  • Company logo featured in CALNARPM conference emails (large size). Logo must be provided in high res format.
  • Company logo to be featured on the main podium. Logo must be emailed along with the company registration form.
  • Sponsorship recognition from the podium at either the General Session, Opening Session and Closing Session.
  • CALNARPM Affiliate Membership for one (1) year.
  • One of sixteen (16) prime booth locations. Includes: one (1) 6’ x 30” tables, tablecloth and two (2) chairs.
  • Admission, conference meals, and badges included for one (1) company representative. Cost for each additional attendees is $450.
  • One (1) Ticket to the Exclusive Event “Presidential Party” held for Conference Partners, Gold Sponsors, Silver Sponsors and ALL ATTENDEES.
  • 4 Social media posts about your company on CALNARPM Social Media. Two (2) Before Event & Two (2) After Event. You will be required to provide information & graphics you would like shared on Facebook and Instagram. Images must be 1080 x 1080 square and the post content provided in a word document.
  • Company attendee contact list of attendees who have given permission to be contacted IMMEDIATELY following the conference. 
  • 1 email, provided by you, about your company will go out to all expected attendees and prospects. One (1) Before Event. Content must be provided in a word document and images provided.
  • Company logo featured on CALNARPM website (medium size) Logo must be provided in high res format.
  • Company logo featured in CALNARPM conference emails (medium size). Logo must be provided in high res format.
  • CALNARPM Affiliate Membership for one (1) year.
  • One of sixteen (16) highly visible silver booth locations. Includes: one (1) 6’ x 18” tables, tablecloth and two (2) chairs. booth locations.
  • Admission, conference meals, and badges included for one (1) company representative. Cost for each additional attendees is $450
  • One (1) Ticket to the Exclusive Event “Presidential Party” held for Conference Partners, Gold Sponsors, Silver Sponsors and ALL ATTENDEES.
  • 2 Social media posts about your company on CALNARPM Social Media. One (1) Before Event & One (1) After Event. You will be required to provide information & graphics you would like shared on Facebook and Instagram. Images must be 1080 x 1080 square and the post content provided in a word document.
  • Company attendee contact list of attendees who have given permission to be contacted IMMEDIATELY following the conference. 
  • Company logo featured on CALNARPM website (small size) Logo must be provided in high res format.
  • Company logo featured in CALNARPM conference emails (small size). Logo must be provided in high res format.

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