
Adrianne Peixotto

Insurance Panel

With more than 20 years of Insurance industry experience, Adrianne Peixotto puts the AP in Insurance Solutions by AP. With her strong relationships with major insurance companies, natural progression was to start her own agency. Over the years Adrianne has been a top producer in her field, she has been on several insurance company boards and won awards from high achiever of the year to Insurance agent of the year in 2018. Adding all this up with her very personal and caring relationships with her clients it was time to create a new insurance experience. One that can create and customize to each client and referral source with the personal touch as an agency owner! Insurance solutions by AP is dedicated to working with each client to uncover their unique needs, we will customize an approach to your specific insurance portfolio that will give you peace of mind for years to come. Whether you are a first-time home buyer needing the extra TLC to understand the process and what you are actually buying, or a seasoned home owner with properties all over the world, we have all the resources to make the experience simple but thorough enough to make sure all of your assets and properties are protected. Over the last two decades, Adrianne has become the “go to” insurance resource for Realtors, Mortgage Brokers and Financial Advisors based on her knowledge and creative approach. They trust that she will make the best decisions and provide the most up to date advice for their clients! Frequently Adrianne is brought in to educate others on the ever-changing insurance industry, feel free to reach out to book a lunch and learn or a coffee chat!